Learn More about Fact Fortress

An On-Chain Zero-Knowledge Proof Solution to Fact-Checking

ZKP is mostly associated with blockchain technology, where it enhances transaction privacy and scalability through rollups, addressing the data inherent to the blockchain. Our approach focuses on safeguarding the privacy of data external to the blockchain, with the blockchain serving as publicly auditable infrastructure to verify the validity of ZK proofs and track how data access has been granted without revealing the data itself.

Fact Fortress is a blockchain-based framework that uses zero-knowledge proofs for trustworthy and private fact-checking. It ensures trustworthy data handling and computation by using proofs of data provenance and auditable data access policies. This preserves sensitive data privacy while ensuring accountability and transparency in data handling. Additionally, our solution democratizes circuit construction and deployment with a circuit compiler that supports various data formats and source authentication, and facilitates on-chain verification.

Our framework provides a comprehensive solution that covers the entire process from circuit generation to proof generation, while facilitating collaboration among data analysts, data providers, external verifiers, and policy auditors. It ensures correct computation and data provenance of generic statements on real-world data without revealing any information about the data itself. Overall we provide a robust mechanism for preserving sensitive information privacy while leveraging blockchain technology's security and transparency.
